Here’s a bit about how I think about UX and the people I strive to serve:
Since 1990, my work has focused on communicating through a wide variety of media. First it was national magazines. Later, it became websites, social media, video, and apps, among other outlets.
But any communication is only as good as how well you serve the person you’re trying to reach, right?
Simply put, my approach to user experience is founded on empathy, data, and an abiding curiosity about the user. I advocate for the user, but nearly 20 years working in brand marketing have taught me how to serve business and client needs as well.
Drawing from my own diverse background, I approach my UX work by leveraging these experiences:
senior staff and contractor/consultant roles for large brands and small start-ups as an editor, writer and content strategist
decades in journalism spent researching complex topics and translating them for general audiences, making me comfortable with analytics and many kinds of data
long-standing experience working with designers, developers and business strategy on digital projects and products
continuing education and self-taught experience with and passion for design, accessibility and UX/UI best practices
I’m inspired by the the work of Edward Tufte, IDEO, BJ Fogg and Nielsen Norman, 18F, the Stanford and information designer Georgia Lupi, among others.
In addition to years creating both ad hoc and formal user tests and implementing findings to improve sites and other digital products, I have completed the Cal State Fullerton User Experience and Online Customer-Centered Design certificate program.
I look forward to hearing more about your project and how I might help. Thank you!